Bas Verkaik

Bas speaks Dutch, English

Topics: Innovation, Smart Energy, Sustainability

Services: Keynote, Presentation

More info: LinkedIn, Website

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Bas Verkaik

Bas Verkaik

Bas Verkaik - spreker

Bas Verkaik is the founder of ELEO technologies, a company that develops and produces advanced battery solutions designed to power any application. He is also the driver of the TU / e innovation Space, a new institute at Eindhoven University of Technology that aims to drastically renew university education by having students from different study programs work on social challenges in collaboration with companies.

Bas holds an MSc degree in Sustainable Energy Technology at Eindhoven University of Technology. During his studies, he and a number of fellow students in cooperation with more than 150 companies built the world’s first electric motorcycle that was capable of riding long distances. Thanks to the revolutionary design, the motorcycle could drive 400 kilometers and the batteries could be changed in a very short time. To prove its success he drove around the world in 80 days. After this unique journey, he founded SPIKE technologies, that changed its name to ELEO technologies in 2021.

In his presentations Bas talks about the unique ecosystem around Brainport Eindhoven, where weird ideas ultimately lead to groundbreaking innovations. He shows what lessons can be learned from this and how these can be applied to other situations. He also predicts how transportation will develop in the future, and explains why we can be optimistic about that future.

Bas previously presented at (AO) SingularityU Summit South Africa in Johannesburg,
Design Automation Conference in Las Vegas, the CIODay in Amsterdam, eMove360 in Munich
EICMA in Milan and the African Clean Mobility Week in Nairobi.

Bas Verkaik is pitching Spike at CIO Day 2019:

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