Jules Lancee

Jules speaks Dutch, English

Topics: Health, Innovation, Space

Services: Keynote, Panel

More info: LinkedIn, Website, Twitter,

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Jules Lancee

Jules Lancee

Jules Lancee spreker

Jules is an engineer, space health innovator and adventurer with a pilot license. His presentations cover a broad range of topics, amongst which space, health and innovation, often combining them in one forward-looking story. Aiming high, he is on his way to become an astronaut…

As an advisor for the Radboudumc Health Innovation Labs in The Netherlands, he is actively exploring emerging technologies and their impact in healthcare. Over the past years, Jules helped bring together innovation labs in healthcare globally around the adoption of exponential technologies. Within the world of Internet of Things and healthcare, Jules is part of the IoT Solutions World Congress organization bringing together industries on the latest trends in the sector.

Regularly giving lectures and workshops on these topics, he also shows how these new, often digital health solutions, will benefit the health and medical needs of astronauts on next-generation deep space missions.

Jules Lancee spreker

Being one of the founders of the Space Generation Advisory Council group on Space Medicine & Life Sciences he set up a series on Health in Space, featuring astronauts and pioneers discussing space health topics. In 2019 he was selected as one of three Dutch to participate in the annual congress of the Space Generation Advisory Council where 150 delegates from 30 countries convene to discuss and prepare space policy advice for the United Nations.

Jules holds a Master’s degree in biomedical engineering, having studied in Eindhoven (The Netherlands), London (United Kingdom) and Cape Town (South Africa), specializing in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. In the summer of 2020 he graduated from International Space University, where he helped investigate how space-enabled capabilities help prevent, monitor and mitigate pandemics on Earth.

Some presentations that Jules gave earlier:
Medical Autonomy: How to stay healthy in space
We’ve seen many recent plans for human spaceflight, both commercial and non-commercial and it’s about right to say that humankind will go on more and longer duration space missions. A lot of engineering research is going into the development of rockets and other technological advancement, but just as important as getting there, will be getting there alive and healthy…
That’s not a trivial problem!
Especially when we will go on deep space missions to Mars and beyond we will run into basic limitations, ranging from communication to equipment. Therefore, we will need a sense of medical autonomy for those astronauts on the go, just as people, or patients, on Earth are getting a greater sense of autonomy when it comes to their health and medical needs. We can learn a lot from healthcare innovation on Earth for our next-generation space exploration missions.

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