Sanne Kanis

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Sanne Kanis

Sanne Kanis

Sanne Kanis
Sanne Kanis (1981) is the author of De Bubbel and advisor for start-ups and scale-ups. In the past twelve years Sanne held international positions in three different tech companies. She was responsible for the European commercial strategy for Spotify and worked for over four years for Google as an analyst. Furthermore she ran’s loyalty program. Currently, Sanne advises start-ups and scale-ups on growth and strategy, her speciality is the optimisation of sales, marketing and partnerships.

Sanne published her debut novel De bubbel with publishing house Prometheus. The novel discusses tech culture, a subculture in which luxury extras are quickly taken for granted and sexism, violation of business ethics and managers with a sudden wealth syndrome form the shadow side.

Sanne speaks about: scale-ups, culture and ethics in tech, and agile writing

Examples of her presentations:
Culture within tech companies
What happens inside tech companies? What is it like to experience hypergrowth? This culture, known for its innovative and dynamic nature, is an important inspiration for many. Sanne talks about tech culture and its influence on personal development and business development.

Are the limits of ethics lost in tech?
Kanis believes that there should be more attention for ethics within the industry, both internally (where there is a lack of rules of conduct) and externally (where the enormous urge to grow is often at the expense of general social interest). She calls for more supervision in the tech sector and more attention to moral aspects.

Agile writing
How can you apply lessons (best practices) from tech to other areas? Sanne developed a new methodology for her own novel: agile writing. By working process-based, using digital tools and writing iteratively, she came to an MVB within 6 months: a Minimum Viable Book.

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