Kerrie Finch

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Kerrie Finch

Kerrie Finch

Kerrie Finch moderator

Kerrie Finch is een super-connector met een enorme nieuwsgierigheid naar mensen. Ze heeft ruim twintig jaar ervaring op het gebied van strategische communicatie, merkpositionering en thought leadership en zet dit graag in om sprekers in de schijnwerpers te zetten. De rol van MC – de circusdirecteur – verantwoordelijk voor de rode draad tussen inhoud, sprekers en publiek is Kerrie op het lijf geschreven en de plek waar ze zich het meest thuis voelt.

Afgelopen zomer presenteerde Kerrie vijf dagen lang het hoofdpodium op het Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. Haar ervaring als MC/host of moderator op andere podia (capaciteit van 100-2.500) omvat onder andere Web Summit (Lissabon), Dublin Tech Summit, The Next Web (Amsterdam), CogX Festival (Londen), SheSays Los Angeles, STEP Conference (Dubai), Promax (Barcelona), OnBrand (Amsterdam), eurobest (Antwerpen), DMEXCO (online) en Advertising Week Europe (Londen). Kerrie is ook geen onbekende op podia in Duitsland, Kroatië, Estland, Tsjechië, Letland en Rusland.

Kerrie Finch MC

Kerrie is gepassioneerd over het helpen van leiders om collega’s en consumenten te inspireren om merkambassadeurs te worden – door diepgaande story-mining workshops en samengestelde bedrijfsevenementen te faciliteren. Haar expertise in het scherpstellen van visie, missie en doel in een duidelijk gearticuleerde stem. Dit helpt conferentiedirecteuren, ondernemers en merken om glashelder te worden over thought leadership en messaging.

“I believe there has never been a more important time for people to come together and feel connected. My mission from the stage is to foster a sense of community with a shared purpose — so ideas, inspiration and innovation can flourish. And fun. Also fun.”

In 2009 richtte Kerrie FinchFactor op (nu futurefactor) met kantoren in LA, Amsterdam en Londen. Ze werkt samen met onder meer Airbnb, BlackRock, Diageo, Framestore en Saatchi LA. FinchFactor was 12 jaar lang de strategische communicatiepartner van Media.Monks, waarbij het bedrijf wereldwijd groeide van 50 naar 1000+ voordat het de grootste overname (door S4 Capital) in de geschiedenis van productiebedrijven werd.

Kerrie is de oprichter van SheSays Amsterdam, landenvertegenwoordiger voor Cannes Lions, en een alumnus van Wieden+Kennedy.

Keynote: Lessons in Leadership, how (not) to die on the job

Toen Kerrie zich realiseerde dat ze niet de hele periode van twaalf maanden in het ziekenhuis was opgenomen – voor het eerst in 21 jaar – besefte ze ook dat hieruit enkele belangrijke leiderschapslessen konden worden geleerd. Voor je gezondheid, maar ook om een betere leider te worden. Lees de het volledige artikel hier, of boek deze keynote voor je volgende evenement.

Showreel Kerrie Finch:

Kerrie op het Cannes Lions Festival 2023:


“Kerrie is MC extraordinaire. She has that rare ability to make the biggest, most daunting stages feel intimate, warm, inviting and inclusive. From the off, speakers, crew, A-listers, and most importantly – the audience – know they’re in very safe hands.
On stage, she keeps the energy high, she’s spontaneous, witty, a problem solver and a lot of fun. Her audience (and growing fanbase) keep coming back for more because Kerrie delivers every time. She connects with the audience, she’s well researched, hands on, pitch perfect. I trust her implicitly with the Lions brand.”
— Simon Cook, CEO, Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity (2023)

“Kerrie is the platonic ideal of someone you want fighting your corner. Smart, savvy, strategic and endlessly focused on your success. As good in person as she is on a panel, if you have the chance to work with, for or alongside her, I cannot recommend it highly enough.”
— Wesley ter Haar, Founder, Media.Monks | Executive Director, S4 Capital Group (2023)

“Kerrie is a remarkable and captivating speaker with a unique brand and voice. I have had the privilege of witnessing her exceptional talents in MC’ing and moderating. She creates an inclusive and thought-provoking environment that sparks meaningful dialogue. Kerrie’s contribution most certainly leaves a lasting impact on both panelists and attendees. Her warm, spontaneous personality makes working with her a pleasure.”
–Patritia Pahladsingh, CEO & Managing Director, Accenture Song (2023)

“Kerrie’s charisma and interpersonal skills greatly contribute to the success of the events she curates, hosts, moderates or leads — whether it’s a conference, panel discussion, or thought leadership workshop. I am thoroughly impressed with her skill in fostering engaging and thought-provoking discussions while navigating diverse cultural nuances.
Kerrie possesses an innate understanding of different cultures, which enables her to create an atmosphere of respect. Her ability to connect with both audience and speakers fosters a natural flow of openness and collaboration.”
–Bei Wang, Lecturer & Cultural Broker, Digital China | Co-founder, Straightfire Studios (2023)

“Kerrie has a knack for masterfully tapping into the brilliance of her panelists to pull what’s on the edges into full view. She is unquestionably the best moderator I have ever worked with.
Conversations with Kerrie keep you on the edge of your seat. She combines a fabulous sense of humor and wit with deep industry expertise as a top global communications expert. The result is a powerful experience.”
–Mark Eckhardt, CEO, COMMON (2023)

“Kerrie has an extraordinary presence: she compels you to pay attention and listen. Her presentations are entertaining and fun. When she hosts an event, you feel as if you’ve been let into an exclusive party and Kerrie is there to ensure you have a good time. As an interviewer, she truly listens to what people say, and creates a conversation that leaves interviewee and audience in a better place than before.
Working with Kerrie is a collaboration. She makes anything she touches better. As someone who has been in the audience, a presenter, and an interviewee, I can speak firsthand to Kerrie’s stellar work and deft abilities. I enjoy the moment – the sense of connection — that she can create.”
–Ashley Vinson, Creative Agency Partner, Meta (2023)

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